Saturday, 10 October 2015

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 10th October 2015 Apostle Grace Lubega TO FATHER A NATION II

[Psalms 11:3]; If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

You must understand that a nation swings on a pendulum of two things besides just the divine appointments of the kingly anointing, priestly anointing and the prophetic anointing.

It swings on the pendulum of the teacher or instructor and the father. Now fathering is deeper than just instructing even though instruction is necessary. Paul speaks of those two things and says that for though you have many instructors in the Lord, you have a few fathers.

He is not speaking of the Apostle, evangelist, teacher, pastor, or prophet. I am drawing this slightly above the fivefold ministry to the place where the end of the matter is that whether it is the apostle or the prophet or the teacher, or the evangelist they will fall in the lines of either an instructor or a father.

When you are dealing with a nation, understand that every nation in the world must carry a fathering Spirit and that fathering Spirit is of men the Lord has dealt with, dealt for, and dealt in.  This is more than just the gifts upon their lives, more than how many days they fasted and prayed, to a place where they can reproduce their ministry in other men.

That is the substance that multiplies in ministry and can position men below them to take higher places and help them move places way further and deeper than they themselves (the fathers) have ever gone.

Excerpt from the sermon: THE FATHERING SPIRIT by Apostle Grace Lubega

Every nation in the world must carry a fathering Spirit and that fathering Spirit is of men the Lord has dealt with, dealt for and dealt in.

Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 4:15, Ephesians 4:11

Find us on, Phaneroo App on Google Play, Windows Store and Play Store.

Phaneroo Every Thursday at MTN Arena Lugogo 5-8pm. Come See the Word Made Manifest.

Follow the Rhythms of Grace with Apostle Grace Lubega on 96.6 Spirit fm every Friday 9.00-10.00p.m and on 91.5 Mighty Fire f.m every Tuesday 1-2pm and every Thursday 9.00-9.30 p.m, 89.0 Liberty FM Hoima, every Sunday 8.30-9.00 pm.

Friday, 9 October 2015

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 9th October 2015 TO FATHER A NATION I Apostle Grace Lubega

[Psalms 11:3]; If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

What are the foundations? The foundations are the level of the highest ranking minister in the church in every nation. It means that a country is as deep in God as the deepest man in God in the country because even though God deals with nations, most of the times, he weighs the future of particular nations in relation to the lives of certain men.

That is why one time, when he wants to destroy Sodom and Abraham asks whether he will still destroy them if there be twenty,  ten or five righteous men, God says no. God was pushed to a place of saying he will not destroy a whole city because of the righteousness of one man.  In other words a city can survive because of the righteousness of one man.

Sometimes people think God looks for multitudes. The bible is very clear; a king is not saved by multitudes of people. If you are dealing with God, he doesn't save by many. He can save by few, by one. The bible says he looked for a man to stand in the gap and there was none. In other words God is ready to save a whole nation by the yielding of one man.

You must be conscious that the God you are dealing with does not need a million people to save Uganda. He is looking for one woman, one man to save Africa. He can get one person and one person changes everything. He just needs one man; entirely yielded.

Excerpt from the sermon: THE FATHERING SPIRIT by Apostle Grace Lubega

A country is as deep in God as the deepest man in God in the country because even though God deals with nations, most of the times, he weighs the future of particular nations in relation to the lives of certain men.

Scripture Reference: Psalms 33:16, Ezekiel 22:30

Find us on, Phaneroo App on Google Play, Windows Store and Play Store.

Phaneroo Every Thursday at MTN Arena Lugogo 5-8pm. Come See the Word Made Manifest.

Follow the Rhythms of Grace with Apostle Grace Lubega on 96.6 Spirit fm every Friday 9.00-10.00p.m and on 91.5 Mighty Fire f.m every Tuesday 1-2pm and every Thursday 9.00-9.30 p.m, 89.0 Liberty FM Hoima, every Sunday 8.30-9.00 pm.

Thursday, 8 October 2015


[Philippians 1:15-18]; (MSG) It's true that some here preach Christ because with me out of the way, they think they'll step right into the spotlight. But the others do it with the best heart in the world. One group is motivated by pure love, knowing that I am here defending the Message, wanting to help. The others, now that I'm out of the picture, are merely greedy, hoping to get something out of it for themselves. Their motives are bad. They see me as their competition, and so the worse it goes for me, the better--they think--for them. So how am I to respond? I've decided that I really don't care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed, so I just cheer them on! And I'm going to keep that celebration going.

Don't fight people because they don't understand you. Celebrate the fact that they are still preaching Christ and move on. For anybody who fights you but celebrates Christ, just cheer them on. It's not right to contend with fellow men over what they think is true or not.

I want to get you to a point where you should not be consumed to be like them. If they have a problem with you, let them have a problem. Don't have a problem with them. This Jesus who died for us is bigger than them and whether you want it or not a time is going to come where none of you can speak but the satisfaction is that you are going to stand in heaven and God says ‘well done good and faithful servant,’ that suffices.

So if you hear men preach, say ‘go on, because you are preaching Christ.’ They will say we have a problem with you, and you say, ‘I don't have a problem with you.' I am that transformed and God dealt with me a finer way. The bible says, ‘behold I show you a more excellent way.' That way is the way of love.

This is the place that puts men's guns down and makes a man say, ‘I could fight better and win because I have my rights and we are all equal before the law but I choose to lose certain battles and win certain wars because there is a maturity in me that has taught me a knowledge above what comes to men as mystery.' It makes me hold back when I must hold back because I have realized that that's where true warfare begins.

Excerpt from the sermon: THE OLIVET DISCOURSE by Apostle Grace Lubega

Don't fight people because they don't understand you. Celebrate the fact that they are still preaching Christ and move on.

Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 13:8, 1 Corinthians 12:31

Find us on, Phaneroo App on Google Play, Windows Store and Play Store.

Phaneroo Every Thursday at MTN Arena Lugogo 5-8pm. Come See the Word Made Manifest.

Follow the Rhythms of Grace wit Apostle Grace Lubega on 96.6 Spirit fm every Friday 9.00-10.00p.m and on 91.5 Mighty Fire f.m every Tuesday 1-2pm and every Thursday 9.00-9.30 p.m, 89.0 Liberty FM Hoima, every Sunday 8.30-9.00 pm.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


[1 Corinthians 13:8]; Charity never faileth

A story is told of a Muslim extremist called Ahmed Deedat. He was one of the most ruthless debaters I had ever seen on the face of the earth defending Islam against Christianity. He used to beat Christians hands down and men accept Mohammed and Allah.

One day, he went to a university in India. While there, he said, ‘I don't believe that anyone can live out the life of Jesus and his teachings according to the bible.' A university professor put up his hand and said, ‘yes I can.'

Ahmed Deedat asked him, ‘Can you live out the sermon on the mount?' Then he slapped the professor openly. When he slapped him, he told him, ‘now turn the other cheek' because he expected the man to fight back. He was seeking to offend him. The man turned the other cheek.

Deedat thought, why waste any more time?  He said, ‘the bible says if a man asks for your coat, you give him your tunic too, so give me your trouser.' At that, the professor turned to his students and he said ‘I am sorry’ then removed his trouser and handed it to Ahmed Deedat.

Ahmed made fun of this man and laughed at him but in his heart, he was surprised that a man actually did what Jesus taught.  The next day, the story goes, Muslim students came to the office of this professor to repent and submit their lives to Christ because they met a love that goes beyond the spirit that seeks to revenge against men who have hurt you.

They met a love that went beyond the life of men seeking to be better and establish their egos above the love and testimony of Jesus Christ. What Ahmed didn't know is that men are not won over by threats, punishment and the police. Men are won over by love and that love never fails.

That's what every Muslim, Buddhist, orthodox, Mormon and Free Manson is looking for. It is the uniqueness of Christianity. That is the love God has shown toward us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died.

Excerpt from the Sermon: THE OLIVET DISCOURSE by Apostle Grace Lubega

Men are won over by love and that love never fails.

Scripture Reference:  Romans 5:8, Matthew 5

Find us on, Phaneroo App on Google Play, Windows Store and Play Store.

Phaneroo Every Thursday at MTN Arena Lugogo 5-8pm. Come See the Word Made Manifest.

Follow the Rhythms of Grace wit Apostle Grace Lubega on 96.6 Spirit fm every Friday 9.00-10.00p.m and on 91.5 Mighty Fire f.m every Tuesday 1-2pm and every Thursday 9.00-9.30 p.m, 89.0 Liberty FM Hoima, every Sunday 8.30-9.00 pm.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


[Revelation 3:1]; And unto the angel of the church at Sardis write; these things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

For those of us who went to church years ago, everything was predictable; intercession, praise, worship, testimony, sermon, offertory, go home. The routine was so obvious.

This went on until one day, the spirit of  God told me that we were holding political services. Men sought the accuracies of what it meant to just put things in their heads and go home satisfied that they were taught this and this by the preacher but the workings of the spirit were not evident among them.

How do we go back satisfied that the spirit was not present but we were simply tickled in our minds?
What is in the mind can only be carnal and the carnal mind cannot receive the things of the spirit because they are spiritually discerned.

That means we had to leave the place of imparting things to the minds of men and move to the impartation in the spirits of men. However, to many of us, preachers are not ministering to our spirits. It is why we don't even remember what was preached last week.

You find a bunch of Christians who think they know but they don't. Why? Put them in the day of adversity, let one thing happen to them and you will realize that they don't have the power they claim to possess.

They are only good at positive speech. They say, "I am of Jesus, I cannot be sick or poor," but look at their lives. They are everything they claim not to be. That should disturb you, because you have a name as one alive but you are dead, Christian.

How can you wake up in the morning and say, ‘I am rich,' but your landlord is on your back?  How can you get back into that small room and are satisfied? You don't even lose appetite or sleep? You even leave those dimensions of the true places of faith and go and borrow money but are not disturbed. Your spirit is not stirred up to say that there is something wrong here. That is called indifference, not ignorance.

Excerpt from the sermon: WALKING WORTHY OF THE LORD by Apostle Grace Lubega

What is in the mind can only be carnal and the carnal mind cannot receive the things of the spirit because they are spiritually discerned.

Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 1:11

Find us on, Phaneroo App on Google Play, Windows Store and Play Store.

Phaneroo Every Thursday at MTN Arena Lugogo 5-8pm. Come See the Word Made Manifest.

Follow the Rhythms of Grace wit Apostle Grace Lubega on 96.6 Spirit fm every Friday 9.00-10.00p.m and on 91.5 Mighty Fire f.m every Tuesday 1-2pm and every Thursday 9.00-9.30 p.m, 89.0 Liberty FM Hoima, every Sunday 8.30-9.00 pm.