Saturday, 13 February 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 13th February 2016 Lessons In Virtue 2 Apostle Grace Lubega

[Genesis 2:18]; And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

As a helper, the woman ought to get a bit interested in her man’s business. Get involved. Even if it is football, get interested regardless of whether you like football or not. Act like you know Lionel Messi. Ask your husband, ‘what team do you support?’ When he tells you, go to the internet and find out all about the team. In the evening when he comes back, tell him ‘darling, did you know they bought Arne Risse?’ His reaction will be, 'What! They did? How did you know that?’ Answer and tell him, ' I am your wife.' That is a suitable helper.

How about a preacher? He is always discovering mysteries in the word and speaks them only to himself. When he gets out of his home, the entire church adores him. Everyone sees this depth except his wife.  Even if you are not interested in mysteries but are married to a preacher, act like you are interested. Ask him, ‘what is the lord speaking to you about?’ Pick one thing, go to the internet or the interlinear Bible, Hebrew and Greek and search it out.  While you are driving back home, start a conversation, act like you just thought about it and say, 'honey, while I was reading about interpretation, I realised that the Greek word is epilupsis. I learnt that it is deeper than just the direct interpretation of any dream but rather the understanding of the application of everything interpreted.' You will have given him a sermon. Helper!

If you are a married woman, pick interest in your husband’s business. Even if he is a doctor and you are an engineer, read about their researches in medicine. Show him that you read the world health organization report for 2016. He will know that this one is indeed a helper.

Excerpt from the sermon: THE STRANGE WOMAN by Apostle Grace Lubega

As a helper, the woman ought to get abit interested in her man’s business

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 31:12, Proverbs 12:4

Friday, 12 February 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 12th February 2016 GOD YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION Apostle Grace Lubega

[Psalms 42:1]; As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

There are exciting things that men stumble on in the spirit. However, the exciting things easily arrest a man’s attention and draw him to them more than his need to seek after God. These things create a hunger that is not long lived because they are not after divine purpose but more of personal conviction. They are to the benefit of the prophet and not to whom he ministers. 

For such men, God does not have their attention. They focus on the minor and leave out the major. They major in the minor and ignore the major. Thus, the church becomes administratively correct. It has a strong administrative setting, a nice building, a good mother’s ministry, the orphans are fed but when you enter it, Jesus is not there. 

However, there is a point at which God can show you the state of your heart.  It is like some children who never pay attention in class or who dodged class but somehow passed. It is wonderful that they passed but there is something the master did not communicate to them face to face. God takes you to that place where he shows you that you succeeded in many things but missed out on the bigger picture.  When he taught us these things, we no longer went for over nights because we had to pray but because we loved him. In those times, we would sit and meditate for over an hour; in that place, it is about Him; all about Him.

Excerpt from the sermon: GOD YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION by Apostle Grace Lubega

There are exciting things that men stumble on in the spirit. However, the exciting things easily arrest a man’s attention and draw him to them more than his need to seek after God.

Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 6:12-13, Psalms 27:4


[Philemon 1:6]; That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

I once heard of a man who went to the prayer mountain to pray and while there, all he said was one line. ‘I am not a chicken, I am an eagle…I am not a chicken I am an eagle…I am not a chicken, I am an eagle.’  The very thought that he could see himself as a chicken is just too puzzling.

Was he meditating and a cock came into his head? You cannot meditate and think of yourself as a bird.  No. It means that there is something that had been telling him every day that he is a hen. The thought of a man fighting to convince himself of what he is not already presupposes he invites the possibility of being it.

In the same way, you cannot say, ‘I shall not fail in my exams.’ Why are you even creating the possibility of failing? Just say ‘I do not fail! It is not in my nature to fail.’ When you get into an exam you say, ‘I do not fail!’ When you get into an interview you say, ‘I do not fail.’ When the results come back and it appears that you have failed you say, ‘I do not fail! I know who I am.’ When you meditate on the truth, the spirit will always vindicate you, and when he does, that is revelation to men.

Excerpt from the sermon: PRAYER CODE 2 by Apostle Grace Lubega

When you meditate on the truth, the spirit will always vindicate you, and when he does, that is revelation to men.

Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:13, James 3:2

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Bwayos The Disciple "BTD": The Way Of The Body Of Christ VI by Minister Bwayo...

Bwayos The Disciple "BTD": The Way Of The Body Of Christ VI by Minister Bwayo...: 1 Peter 4:9 Use hospitality one to another without grudging.(KJV) The dictionary definition of hospitality is : the act or service of wel...

Bwayos The Disciple "BTD": The Way Of The Body Of Christ VI by Minister Bwayo...

Bwayos The Disciple "BTD": The Way Of The Body Of Christ VI by Minister Bwayo...: 1 Peter 4:9 Use hospitality one to another without grudging.(KJV) The dictionary definition of hospitality is : the act or service of wel...

The Way Of The Body Of Christ VI by Minister Bwayos (1Peter4:9)

1 Peter 4:9
Use hospitality one to another without grudging.(KJV)

The dictionary definition of hospitality is : the act or service of welcoming, receiving ,hosting , or entertaining guests.

The Greek word for hospitality is Philoxenos , meaning to be hospitable or generous to guests.

Lets amplify today's portion of scripture .

1 Peter 4:9
Practice hospitality to one another (those of the household of faith). [Be hospitable, be a lover of strangers, with brotherly affection for the unknown guests, the foreigners, the poor, and all others who come your way who are of Christ's body.] And [in each instance] do it ungrudgingly (cordially and graciously, without complaining but as representing Him).(AMP)

The bible say that be hospitable to the members of the body of Christ, and also to the unknown guests/ strangers and to foreigners without  complaining.

I have seen Christians who enter church and  take their seats comfortably without greeting their immediate neighbor.
Do you know that there are Christians who fight for the parking spot in the parking lot too?

As that street kid approaches your car, you don't need to turn up your window.
We normally ask the lord of the harvest and when he brings it to us, we abuse him by running away from it
You don't necessarily need to give that street kid money, some times they just need your smile, your brotherly affection.
You could be the answer to their healing, their deliverance from bondage etc.
Just get to the place of faith and prophecy to that street kid.
Tell them " i see a powerful man of God in you, i see a president in you, i see a queen in you, i see a nurse in you, . . in Jesus' name"

Welcome them, don't chase them away, you could be chasing away the harvest you have been fasting for or an angel from heaven.

Have a blessed day!

Scripture Reference:

Hebrews 13:2
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.(KJV)

Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget or neglect or refuse to extend hospitality to strangers [in the brotherhood--being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for through it some have entertained angels without knowing it.(AMP)


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 9th February 2016 WATCH & PRAY Apostle Grace Lubega

[Colossians 4:2]; Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.

Pray, that is wonderful, but in the prayer watch also. Don’t just pray. It means that for every prayer to be a success, we must watch in the prayer. Many Christians do not watch, they just pray.

When the Bible says watch and pray that you may not fall into temptation, the Greek word for temptation, peirasmos, is translated not just as only trial but also affliction.  So it means, watch ye and pray lest ye become afflicted; watch ye and pray lest ye lose your job; watch ye and pray lest you become sick and die; watch ye and pray. Do you know why, sometimes the people who seem like they pray the most are the ones who are most afflicted? It is because they do not watch.

How do we watch? Watching means being alert and sensitive in prayer. How do you do that? It is very simple- by meditation. Many people pray but they do not meditate in prayer. The place of meditation in prayer is the word. As you meditate, the spirit of God starts to explain what you are meditating on because God can hardly speak to a man who doesn’t know how to meditate. The underlying principle of meditation is so that men may hear the voice and the place of the voice coming to your spirit is to explain the scripture and expound on it; that is revelation. It must work if it is revealed. Watching means meditating.

Excerpt from the sermon: PRAYER CODE 2 by Apostle Grace Lubega

God can hardly speak to a man who doesn’t know how to meditate.

Scripture Reference: Psalms 63:6, Matthew 26:41

Monday, 8 February 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 8th February 2016 BY WHAT POWER? - I Apostle Grace Lubega

[1 Corinthians 4:20]; For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.

One time a man of God from one of the West African countries visited Uganda.  When he reached the church where he was to minister and got out of the car, everybody around him, except the pastor was falling under the power of God.  He did not say anything; he did not preach a deep sermon. He just entered with God.

Let me tell you this. There is a dryness in the world. There are people who want God so badly that they can do anything to get to him. They hunger for knowledge, to hear truth. But child of God, you must get tired of simply talking. Get past speaking heavy words that turn out to only be what Paul calls clouds without rain, cisterns without water.

Get crazy about these things. If you have been praying for two hours make them four; if you have been praying for four, make them eight. A time has come where knowledge and what we call mystery must equal to power. If you are telling men that you know God; they must come near you and feel that you know God. The time has come.

Excerpt from: PRAYER SESSIONS- 6-6-2015 by Apostle Grace Lubega

A time has come where knowledge and what we call mystery must equal to power.

Scripture Reference: Luke 18:1, Daniel 11:32

Sunday, 7 February 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 7th February 2016 PROPHETIC VOICES I Apostle Grace Lubega

[2 Chronicles 20:20]; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.

Child of God, the Bible says that in the last days, the Lord will cause a famine, not of bread or water but of hearing the word of God. I know that there is something burning in your spirit. It is called famine and it is good because that is the very place where things are given. God says that to the level of your hunger and to the level of your thirst he gives unto you.

He says that to him that is thirsty, he shall give to drink. Come all ye who are weary and I shall give you rest, he says. They that hunger and thirst for righteousness, shall be filled. It depends on how hungry you are. How hungry are you?

There is a Christian who is uncomfortable and has lost peace because of this famine but God is filling you. Revelation is going to flow out of you like has never been seen before; you are going to teach things that no man has ever taught; you are going to preach things that have never been preached. You will prophesy past the gift and prophesy in knowledge. God anoints you with a power that makes manifest all things; it shows forth all things. In the name of Jesus.

Excerpt from the sermon: CATCH THE FIRE by Apostle Grace Lubega

God says that to the level of your hunger and to the level of your thirst he gives unto you. How hungry are you?

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