Saturday, 26 March 2016


[2 Corinthians 4:8-10]; We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

One of my greatest inspirations in church history, John G Lake gave an account of how he once lived a normal Christian life for so long until one day he went to God and asked him for more, God told him, ‘If you hunger, you will find me.’

John G Lake fasted for nine months, seeking the face of God, and one day, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit came on him so mightily. He regarded it as an experience he could never forget because of the lasting mark it left on his soul. The power of God came upon him and he says it felt like electricity, power and light. He testifies that he got to a point where he healed men by the multitudes, but after they were all healed, he went to God and told him ‘I still want to know you more.’

There is a dear Christian who has not healed even a flu and he is comfortable with his life yet another man had healed a whole city and still went to God and told him 'I still want to know you'. The question for us is what did he want that our generation does not hunger for?

When the glory of God rests upon you, God will separate you from many things. However, many men are not selfless for it, they are selfish. That glory will make you care that there is someone out there who needs to know Jesus and you are the vessel available. Sadly, in our selfishness we betray God. The pastor offended you for instance, and you refused to lead worship. A certain young man who could have accepted Jesus by the anointing of God upon your life misses the opportunity because you are mad at your pastor.

Can’t you think for a moment how many men are dying because of your indifference to the gospel? If you don’t understand that for the lives of men do we live every day, there's a glory that will not function fully in your life.

Excerpt from the sermon: OF THE EXCELENT SPIRIT by Apostle Grace Lubega

If you don’t understand that for the lives of men do we live every day, there's a glory that will not function fully in your life.

Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 12:15, Philippians 1:22-24

Friday, 25 March 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 25th March 2016 WE DON’T GIVE UP Apostle Grace Lubega

[Galatians 6:9]; And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

I once asked a dear Christian why they were no longer praying or attending church services and they said that they had believed God and the message for so long but nothing seemed to be working for them. I realized that this Christian  had not even walked an inch of troubles the men and women in scripture, and the rest of church history had to endure yet she had already given up.

I said in my heart, God, open her eyes to understand that many have been through worse but they kept speaking to their souls, ‘don’t give up for in due course you shall reap.’ I realised that in all these things, when we matured and learnt certain truths, things started to change.

If you are consistent, persistent, and patient, In due time you will reap. Yes, there are those times in life where the word seems not to be working, you do the word and it does not make sense, you pray for a sick man and he dies the next day, you cast out a devil and it refuses to go. In all these things, I have learnt that you have to hold the beginning of your confidence up to the end. For if you do this, the scriptures say you will partake Christ (Heb 3:14), You will see God at work more than ever before.

Things may not be working today but keep persisting, yes the job might refuse to come this year and next year but stay at it, don’t leave the gospel. Stay in there and draw closer to God. There was a time when almost everyone left Jesus and he asked the disciples, ‘Are you also going to leave?’ and they said ‘Where can we go? You are the fountain of life.’ Sometimes you must understand that when you leave this gospel, you are walking away from the fountain of life. Don’t give up, in due season you will surely reap.

Excerpt from the sermon OF THE EXCELLENT SPIRIT by Apostle Grace Lubega

Sometimes you must understand that when you leave this gospel, you are walking away from the fountain of life. Don’t give up, in due season you will surely reap.

Scripture Reference: Hebrews 10:39, Philippians 1:6

Thursday, 24 March 2016


[1 Corinthians 9:25]; And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

One of the greatest lessons on mastery is, the appreciation that the spirit world is ranked (Joel 2:7). All men are equal before God, he is no respecter of persons, but that doesn't mean we are all ranked equal in the spirit world. It is possible to be more anointed than some men, yet not be ranked higher than them because the distinctions of their ministries have the testimony of a deeper maturity and access to some things that may be far from you at the time.

What this means is that, it doesn’t matter how deep you are, if some men do not open certain doors to you, you may take longer at the place of giving birth. Why is this so? It is because certain territories are already acquainted with those men and the men are acquainted with them.

Understand this child of God, there are certain men that go before you, there are those that are at your level and there are those that are below you. Don’t ever think that you are at the same level with everybody spiritually.

In God, there is such a thing as the need to strive for mastery; this will always set one apart from many others. It's true that God has provided an equal plane for all of us to come to him as his children, but after a man comes, he must understand that there is temperance required of him in all things. May God work temperance in you in all things.

Excerpt from the sermon: DISTINCTIVE MINISTRY by Apostle Grace Lubega.

One of the greatest lessons on mastery is, the appreciation that the spirit world is ranked (Joel 2:7). All men are equal before God, he is no respecter of persons, but that doesn't mean we are all ranked equal in the spirit world.

Scripture Reference: 1 Thessalonians 5:12, Acts 10:34

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


[1 Corinthians 9:25]; And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

If someone wants to live a normal and mediocre life, they can ignore certain principles but if he wants mastery, that man must be temperate in all things.

Mastery, like faith, is a choice and the choice in context is that decision you make to be temperate in all things. The Greek word for temperance is translated to mean following the patterns laid by the spirit. There are patterns by the spirit that grow the minister; those that increase the worshiper, that grow the intercessor, that expand the territory of the preacher, that grow the prophet and these patterns are in the Bible. If you follow them you get results as sure as today is and if you don’t, you hit shipwreck.

However, you must be humble enough to know these patterns, be teachable. In this world not all men are rich, but there are patterns that make men rich. There are patterns that restore marriages, as not all marriages are properly functioning.

The first principle is this; if it is not working in your life, look for a man in whom it is working; whose wealth is increasing, whose marriage is flourishing, whose ministry is expanding, he has something to teach you. God works through men; that is why Christ came in the flesh. The proximate question is, are you humble enough to be taught, and to learn from those ahead of you?

Excerpt from the sermon: DISTINCTIVE MINISTRY by Apostle Grace Lubega

If it is not working in your life, look for a man in whom it is working; whose wealth is increasing, whose marriage is flourishing, whose ministry is expanding, he has something to teach you.
God works through men; that is why Christ came in the flesh.

Scripture Reference: 2 Timothy 2:5, Proverbs 4:13

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 22nd March 2016 LESSONS IN VIRTUE III Apostle Grace Lubega

[Ephesians 5:22,25]; Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.

God has called the wife to submit and the husband to love. A wife can easily submit to a man that loves her and any husband can easily love a woman who submits to him. It is that simple. The only question here is, who does it first? That is where maturity applies. As a wife, you dont need to first be loved enough for you to submit, likewise as a husband should not wait for her full submission to love her, simply do your part.

If you are waiting for the other to first do their part, then you will fall to the error of fighting battles you ought not to fight.
If anything makes the woman a helper, it is the fact that she has learnt to lose battles and win wars. Your spouse might be unreasonable sometimes, but you just have to let God deal with him instead of going out of your way to act cocky because you must prove a point.

Your part is the war, you just have to know what the real war is, the big picture. Understand that this is not just your partner involved. You ought to look at your children and your children’s children and what you must establish for your generation. If the children grow up in a house where they see you fighting, they might pick it up. That is a bigger picture. This is not our story saints, atleast it ought not to be!!!

Excerpt from the sermon: LETTER TO MY DAUGHTER by Apostle Grace Lubega

If anything makes the woman a helper, it is the fact that she has learnt to lose battles and win wars.

Scripture Reference:  Genesis 2:18, 1 Peter 3:1

Monday, 21 March 2016


[Genesis 22:17]; That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.

Child of God, your father might be indifferent, that is understandable, but he is still your father.  He might not act as perfectly as you hope but you must understand that your father was not always meant to act perfectly because God knew that even in his imperfections, one of the things that could vindicate him was the fact that his offspring shall possess the gate of the enemy. He expects that his sons, or rather, his children will do this.  He seeks perfection in you; he may not move in perfection himself. Every man wants his child to be better than him.

He says the children shall possess the gates of the enemy. Why are the enemies coming? There are enemies because there is a seed in carnal humanity that simply opposes whatever is true and yields to what is evil. That will cause these enemies to seek for his life.

There are places where the fathers might not know it all but they have faith somehow that there is something in their seed that must understand their responsibility when they are at the gates. Why is the seed at the gates?  It is at the gates because it is not supposed to be possessing the father’s seat. Children are for inheritance not wages, you do your part and serve.

Men grow quickest in the anointing when they serve because that is a way of possessing the gates, service justifies every seed. The men who grow in God are somehow always doing something for the kingdom and to the enemy while others just sit back, relax, watch as it all goes on and judge.

Excerpt from the sermon: DAVID’S DISCOURSE- THE PRICE OF THE ANNOINTING by Apostle Grace Lubega

Men grow quickest in the anointing when they serve because that is a way of possessing the gates. Service justifies every seed.
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 13:17, Hebrews 12:7

Sunday, 20 March 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 20th March 2016 The Spirit Of Sonship Apostle Grace Lubega

[1 Samuel 24:16]; And it came to pass, when David had made an end of speaking these words unto Saul, that Saul said, Is this thy voice, my son David? And Saul lifted up his voice, and wept.

Imagine a  situation where Jesse could not honour and recognise the king in his son David but, Saul could. Jesse did not favour David but Saul did. Besides the jealousy that crept into Saul's spirit because of David's successes, we see that before that, Saul ministered more unto the spirit of David than Jesse ever did. In the end Saul asks, ‘is that the voice of my son?’ Do you see how Saul addresses David? He calls him his son.

Remember, this is Jesse’s boy. However, God is trying to show you the transition from being a mere servant serving the king to becoming a son. This is the spirit of a son. This is how sons are made. He was no longer a servant but a son.  David becomes a son by what he has done. Even after Saul tried to kill him, David did not kill Saul.

If David had killed Saul, he would have killed his "father". Saul carried that authority simply because he went ahead of David by being a king before him, and loved David very much. The fact that a man of God stood in that office before you is enough for him to command your respect.

If it disturbs David that he cut a man’s skirt, how can it not disturb you when you speak evil about your spiritual authority?  After that, you raise your holy hands because you want to share in the very anointing you despised? No way. You say, ‘If he cannot give it to me, another man will.’ Then you go to another ministry and realise you are not favoured. You hop from one ministry to another because you ran away from the one that chastises you. If as a child, you speak back and respond in a way that is inexcusable simply because you were chastised, then you are not a son. The Bible says that if ye endure not chastisement then are ye bastards and not sons.
God help you submit to Authority!!!

Excerpt from the sermon: DAVID’S DISCOURSE- THE PRICE OF THE ANNOINTING by Apostle Grace Lubega

The fact that a man of God stood in that office before you is enough for him to command your respect.

Scripture Reference: Hebrews 12:6-7, Proverbs 3:12