Monday, 2 November 2015


[Genesis 6:1-3]; And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, my spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

When many people look at the word strive as used in this scripture, they always think that it is as regards to God contending with man. However, the word used therein for striving is with reference to judging. Therefore, the language is that ‘my spirit shall not always judge with man for that he is also flesh.’

The biggest problem with this affair of the sons of God being joined together with the sons of men was that the sons of God came with a certain nature and when that nature joined with flesh, the two could not handle each other.

The anointing that is inside your spirit is too much for your body. This is the reason why you cannot live forever in the body. This is what happened to Enoch. The Bible says that Enoch walked with God and he was no more for the Lord took him.

How about Jesus? There is an anointing that was upon our lord Jesus that made him less dense than water because he carried a certain spirit. Water became denser than him because he chose to make it so.

The scriptures say that for fear of the Jews, the disciples locked themselves in a room. The Bible says that Jesus appeared in that room. Because of that anointing, when he meets a wall, the wall had to change form for him to go through it.

This he does to show you that there comes a time where the spirit of God cannot judge with the flesh of a man. At that particular time, if the judgments are that he had to go through a wall, it did not matter if the body is incapable of going through the wall. In that moment, it will take on a form that makes him go through the wall because he is not subject to the judgments of the flesh to execute what must be judged by the spirit.

Excerpt from the Sermon: THE PREPOSITION OF THE SPIRIT by Apostle Grace Lubega

There comes a time where the spirit of God cannot judge with the flesh of a man.

Scripture Reference: John 20:19, Genesis 5:24

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