Thursday, 4 February 2016


[1 Peter 2:9]; But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.

The church of Christ today ought to demonstrate a deeper reality of the Christ than Paul did.  The Bible says that Paul laid the foundation. Men observe buildings, not foundations. Do you want to tell me that close to two thousand years later, men are still laying the foundation? Hasn’t the time come for the building to come forth?

We are not like John who says, ‘we know not what we shall be.’ That is for a man who is laying a foundation. We know what we shall be. So how can we know and not seek God? How can we know and not pray crazy? If Philip prayed for four days you pray for six. If there are men that prayed for one year, you pray for two.

God has revealed too much to you for you to stay normal. Even Paul looks at you and says that you know. How can you stay as a normal man; how?  This is not a place of faith; it is a call for seriousness. I don’t know what you seek God for but the end of your life must read like, ‘that man walked the surface of the earth and he knew God more than Paul. He prophesied more than John the revelator; he taught more than Peter or John and he lived a greater life than those men of old.’

Excerpt from: PRAYER SESSIONS- 6-6-2015 by Apostle Grace Lubega

God has revealed too much to you for you to stay normal.

Scripture Reference: 1 John 3:2, 1 Corinthians 3:10

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