Monday, 21 March 2016


[Genesis 22:17]; That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.

Child of God, your father might be indifferent, that is understandable, but he is still your father.  He might not act as perfectly as you hope but you must understand that your father was not always meant to act perfectly because God knew that even in his imperfections, one of the things that could vindicate him was the fact that his offspring shall possess the gate of the enemy. He expects that his sons, or rather, his children will do this.  He seeks perfection in you; he may not move in perfection himself. Every man wants his child to be better than him.

He says the children shall possess the gates of the enemy. Why are the enemies coming? There are enemies because there is a seed in carnal humanity that simply opposes whatever is true and yields to what is evil. That will cause these enemies to seek for his life.

There are places where the fathers might not know it all but they have faith somehow that there is something in their seed that must understand their responsibility when they are at the gates. Why is the seed at the gates?  It is at the gates because it is not supposed to be possessing the father’s seat. Children are for inheritance not wages, you do your part and serve.

Men grow quickest in the anointing when they serve because that is a way of possessing the gates, service justifies every seed. The men who grow in God are somehow always doing something for the kingdom and to the enemy while others just sit back, relax, watch as it all goes on and judge.

Excerpt from the sermon: DAVID’S DISCOURSE- THE PRICE OF THE ANNOINTING by Apostle Grace Lubega

Men grow quickest in the anointing when they serve because that is a way of possessing the gates. Service justifies every seed.
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 13:17, Hebrews 12:7

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