Sunday, 6 March 2016

PHANEROO~DEVOTION 6th March 2016 LESSONS IN VIRTUE I Apostle Grace Lubega

[Amos 3:3]; Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

I want to disagree with a certain teaching that asserts that when time comes to get married, you can marry "anybody". Not "anybody" is a suitable partner for you. Never forget that every covenant that people enter into must have certain terms that underlie a particular vision. The Bible says that without vision, people cast away restraint. If the two of you are saying, ‘let us get married’, the question is, ‘why the two of you?’

There are people whom by the time they get married, they have a number of people to pick from. One is Born Again, the other is slightly Born Again, another is this, and another is that. The question is, what is your vision about your life and what has the Lord placed in your spirit before you enter marriage? One of the reasons why some marriages are frustrated is because the spouses do not have a vision.

As a couple, you must sit down and ask yourselves, what is our vision? There are many people who really don’t have a vision; they just love each other; even though that is wonderful, there ought to be more.   Christianity is a vision, so as a couple, there must be something in God you both see, can stand for and are ready to die for.

God did not bring you in this world only to make money; the people of this world also make money too, he did not bring you in this life only to build a nice house and drive a nice car, the people of this world will have nice cars and houses too. Two cannot walk together unless they agree and the place of agreement is the vision. For the Christians who are serious about salvation, a married couple must see themselves in the general vision of the Church because they are a part of the body.
This is the spark that ought to keep your marriage because it's established on the eternal experience of simply living together for God...That should be the testimony of every married Christian, praise him!!!

Excerpt from the sermon: WHY MARRIAGE? by Apostle Grace Lubega

For the Christians who are serious about salvation, a married couple must see themselves in the general vison of the church because they are a part of the body.

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 29:18, Ephesians 4:16

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