Tuesday, 19 April 2016


Apostle Grace Lubega

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High [Psalms 82:6].


Human reasoning is subject to the nature of Adam. Yet as believers, Because we transitioned from the first adamic nature to the new man in Christ, the Bible says that now we have the mind of Christ.  We can reason with God in the same way you can sit with another man and reason with him.

When God speaks of our kingdom, it is not an earthly one. When he says he is the king of kings, he is not the king of earthly kings only. He is also speaking of kings in the heavenly realm. Kingly authority on the earthly realm was not God’s idea. The children of Israel demanded for a king but that was not God’s original plan.

The kings we see on the earth were a result of the choice of men overly insisting and demanding for a king. God has never planned to make kings out of unregenerated men. He has always planned to make kings out of born again believers, Why? Because we receive of his life. He doesn’t want to have a kingly substance in a man that does not reason like him. When the scriptures speak of safety in the multitude of counsellors, it is more than the place of caution because a man consulted many people over a decision he had to make. It is the wisdom by which the maturity of the church grants access for us to sit in counsel with God and thus consequently execute God’s purpose on the earth. May the Lord cause you to walk in this wisdom today!

FURTHER STUDY: Isaiah 1:18, Revelation 17:14

God has never planned to make kings out of unregenerated men. He has always planned to make kings out of born again believers, Why? Because we receive of his life.

PRAYER: Father God, we thank you for the authority that we carry as children of the Most High, thank you for the kingly anointing at work in our lives, thank you for the wisdom that we carry as kings, the privilege to sit in counsel with you Lord. Thank you because the substance of our counsel forms the basis for any judgments in the earth and as such, we wield judgment against disease, evil in the earth, against bondage, against oppression for such is our authority, our power, our victory. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Excerpt: KINGDOM BUSINESS by Apostle Grace Lubega

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