Saturday, 7 May 2016
PHANEROO~DEVOTION 7th May 2016 Apostle Grace Lubega
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [2 Corinthians 4:6]
In the beginning, God commanded the light to shine on the earth, it did not matter whether the earth was dark and chaos was everywhere, God commanded the light to shine and it did.
This very God, who commanded the light to shine, has not commanded it to shine in you, more than that, he has chosen to shine in you. This is regardless of whether you deserved it or not, whether you wanted it or not, he shined in you; regardless of whether you had prayed or not, he shined in you; whether you had fasted or not, he shined in you.
The Greek word for shining in the reference scripture is to radiate brilliance. God just entered you and radiated brilliance in your heart, praise God Hallelujah. If there is any grace that defines a man illuminating brilliance, it’s in you. It is not anywhere in the world, it is not in the richest man in the world, it’s in you and that is the very reason a Christian should never compare themselves with any man outside the gospel.
God did not even ask you to do anything about it, he is the one shining in you, to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus. The Greek word for glory is doxa, which means all God is and has. Child of God, you have enough access in the face of Jesus, to do what God can do and be all God is. Whatever God has, you are not believing for, you have, and whatever he is you partake of his divine nature.
FURTHER STUDY: John 10:34, John 1:16
GOLDEN NUGGET: Whatever God has, you are not believing God to have, you have and whatever God is, you partake of his divine nature
PRAYER: Lord we thank you for this truth, that you have shined in our hearts, that you radiate brilliance in us. Surely we have no excuse but to shine. We are shining. And as we shine, men see your glory. As we shine, men see Christ. As we shine, men see you. Thank you for the glory in which we walk as children of the most high; as they that carry your fullness; as they that have all that you can have and are all that you can be. We grow in this testimony every day. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Excerpt: God our Brilliance
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